Momentum (electromagnetic simulator) - Momentum is computer software for electronics and antenna analysis, a partial differential equation solver of Maxwell s equations based on the method of moments. Numerical techniques for solving PDEs include the following: The finite difference method, in which functions are represented by… … Wikipedia If you have all the data ready, simply enter it, click the Solve button, and it will calculate the values of x. To use this utility, you should have the a and b values ready to enter. Numerical partial differential equations - is the branch of numerical analysis that studies the numerical solution of partial differential equations (PDEs). In the present case, we are considering a system of five equations in five unknowns the notation is identical, but the matrix and vectors have more coefficients.
They form a part of the field of electronic design automation, or EDA, and are commonly used in the… … Wikipedia It is the mathematical base for the Gouy Chapman double layer (interfacial) theory first proposed by Gouy… … WikipediaĪlgebraic Riccati equation - The algebraic Riccati equation is either of the following matrix equations:the continuous time algebraic Riccati equation (CARE):: A^T X + X A X B B^T X + Q = 0, or the discrete time algebraic Riccati equation (DARE):: X = A^T X A (A^T X B)(R +… … WikipediaĮlectromagnetic field solver - Electromagnetic field solvers (or sometimes just field solvers) are specialized programs that solve (a subset of) Maxwell s equations directly. Poisson-Boltzmann equation - The Poisson Boltzmann equation is a differential equation that describes electrostatic interactions between molecules in ionic solutions. Originally, mathematicians used the more simple calculus of earlier… … Wikipedia History of numerical solution of differential equations using computers - Differential equations rose in prominence during World War II in calculating the accurate trajectory of ballistics, both rocket propelled and gun or cannon type projectiles. These can include solutions to:*… … Wikipedia Solver (computer science) - A solver is a piece of mathematical software, possible in the form of a stand alone computer program or possibly as a software library that solves equations or systems of equations of one or more different types. Heat is being generated internally in the casing and being cooled at the boundary, providing a steady state… … Wikipedia Visualization of heat transfer in a pump casing, created by solving the heat equation. Differential equation - Not to be confused with Difference equation.